
Recreation at the Patch youth ranch addresses basic human needs for our active teens.  It is integrated into the treatment program every day with extra activities over the weekends.

These activities contribute toward the residents learning to trust the others around them on the ranch.

We did it! screams a raft full of girls after successfully navigating four rapids by working as a team.

“Don’t give up, we’re nearly there!” says one girl to another while on a strenuous backpacking trail in the Sawtooth Mountains.

“Isn’t this brilliant sunset awesome?”

Hear the smack of high-fives after a successful climb on the climbing wall.

These exchanges reflect progress in the lives of these teens.
Recreation is designed to address physical, mental, and emotional needs, not just to pass the time or provide entertainment.  The benefits include emotional release, fitness, teamwork, building good relationships, and having fun.  Emotional release through recreational activities is a healthy and appropriate way to handle frustration, stress, tension, and anger.  When anger surfaces during an activity, the appropriate response can be taught.  Often a game will be stopped, and group counseling will take place to resolve the problem.  Fitness is an obvious benefit as girls learn sports and wholesome recreational skills.
The low ropes initiative course focuses on team building and problem solving for both girls and staff.  The positive energy that occurs during recreation is a great stimulus for building good relationships.  The elements of trust, sharing, and caring are dependent upon close relationships.  Recreation equals fun – a time to laugh, run, jump, exercise the mind, and enjoy life at that moment.

The program includes active, passive, and some indoor components.  Active recreation includes basketball, floor hockey, softball, hiking, swimming, and other sporting activities.  Passive recreation includes chess, crafts, and music. Each activity has a purpose to focus the girls on healthy amusements and activities.  Television, movies, and other technology-based entertainment are kept at a minimum.